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5 reasons to increase your flexibility

Flexibility plays a key role in your overall fitness. In fact, stretching your muscles and joints on a regular basis can make a variety of everyday activities easier. Here are the five main benefits of increasing your flexibility. 1.
improving flexibility

Flexibility plays a key role in your overall fitness. In fact, stretching your muscles and joints on a regular basis can make a variety of everyday activities easier. Here are the five main benefits of increasing your flexibility.


1. It improves your posture and balance

2. It increases your range of motion

3. It reduces your risk of getting injured

4. It helps your muscles work more effectively

5. It reduces aches, pains and muscle tension


Furthermore, stretching after you exercise facilitates muscle recovery and repair. It also prevents lactic acid from building up and causing muscle soreness.


Keep in mind that stretching shouldn’t be painful. Though it’s normal to feel a pulling sensation, a sharp or stabbing pain means you’ve over-extended your muscles or joints, which can result in injury.


Activities to try

Stretching is just one of many ways to improve your flexibility. You can also try yoga, tai chi, water aerobics, Pilates, ballet and more. Consider signing up for a beginners’ class in your area.