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Rudolpha Christmas Stories

The Star Fairy’s busy day
The Star Fairy’s busy day

Written by Johannie Dufour and Sarah Beauregard

Translated by Cyan Caruso-Comas


This morning, the children at the North Pole Animal Daycare are surprised to find the Star Fairy greeting them instead of their teacher, Rudolpha the reindeer.


“Rudolpha phoned me early this morning and asked me to take care of you today,” the fairy explains. “She slipped on the ice and hurt her leg, so her brother Rudolph is taking her to the clinic.”


“When will she be back?” asks Frost the snowy owl.


“I don’t know,” says the fairy, “but don’t worry, your teacher will be fine.”


The Star Fairy smiles, but she’s nervous about the day ahead. Not only has she never taken care of children before, but she also has an important job to do in the toy workshop today. She wonders how she’ll manage everything. Interrupting her thoughts, the children bombard her with questions.


“What did you make for snack time?”


“Can we go sliding?”


“Will you sing me a lullaby at nap time?”


“Um, uh, I need a moment to think, children. Go get your crayons and draw for a few minutes, please,” says the Star Fairy, feeling overwhelmed.


How will she be able to watch the children and do her job in the workshop at the same time? Thinking quickly, the substitute teacher comes up with a plan.


“Children, how would you like to visit the toy workshop with me this morning and give the elves a hand?”


The children are abuzz as they make their way to the workshop. The elves are relieved to see the fairy arrive.


“Star Fairy, there you are!” says Clever, the foreman. “The toys are ready for your magic touch, and the elves would like to get started packing and wrapping presents.”


On dozens of long tables lie heaps of toy truck parts and doll limbs ready to be assembled. With the encouragement of the elves, the Star Fairy holds out her wand and flies from one table to the next transforming the pieces into beautiful toys.


The children are impressed by their substitute teacher’s talents.


When she’s done, the Star Fairy says to the children, “now it’s your turn, kids. We need to put the trucks and dolls into these boxes. Please, try not to break anything.”


Frost, Mistral, Storm, Bianca and Snowflake are proud to be given such an important job. They work hard all day and get back to the daycare just in time to be picked up by their parents.


Proud to have accomplished both her tasks for the day, the Star Fairy heads home with one thought in mind: a soothing bubble bath and a glass of bubbly.