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Weyburn Communithon begins planning for 2021 event

The Weyburn Communithon committee is very excited to announce that the planning for the 2021 Communithon is underway. The date has been set for October 29, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., and the fundraising goal has been set for $82, 021.

The Weyburn Communithon committee is very excited to announce that the planning for the 2021 Communithon is underway. The date has been set for October 29, 2021 from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., and the fundraising goal has been set for $82, 021.

Last year’s event was a huge success not only in donations, but also in how the Communithon committee was able to adapt to the COVID-19 restrictions. The committee will be following SHA guidelines as they prepare for the event.

Each member agency that has been approved for funding has to have at least one volunteer to be on the committee. The volunteer must be on a subcommittee as well as sell a portion of the 50/50 tickets. Last year the member agencies volunteers logged a total of 583 hours.

The other valuable volunteers that helped in preparing and putting on Communithon did not log their hours, but their efforts did not go unnoticed. Communithon would not be successful without the hard work and dedication from these volunteers. The committee thanked each and every one who took time out of their busy schedules to help assist the Communithon committee.

If anyone is looking for a way to get involved or volunteer, the committee has lots of opportunities and work that needs to be done behind the scenes within the subcommittees.

• Business Partnership: organize and distribute the jars for the jar challenge, build a relationship with local businesses, review and revise the giving level program, etc.

• Entertainment Committee: make application forms, contact schools, contact announcers, schedule and prepare entertainment schedule, etc.

• Finance: plan and set up computers and debit machines, take donations and pledges, print receipts, etc.

• Staging and Facility: set up for performers, make sure performers are on stage and ready to go, work closely with producers and announcers, etc.

• Communication: arrange and budget on-air radio spots and online advertising, monitor Facebook page and web page, etc.

• Volunteer and Food: recruit volunteers, set up schedule times for volunteers, direct the volunteers to their position, etc.

• Silent auction: receive items, set up on the auction site, contact winners, collect money from the auction, etc.

• Allocation: prepare fund allocation, send a copy of request form to all agencies and United Way Regina, read over each request to make sure all information is complete, inform the agencies that they have been accepted for funding etc. Representatives of community agencies that receive funding are not able to sit on this committee.