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Consider letting your name stand for election

Weyburn Review editorial

The democratic process is alive and well in Saskatchewan, and coming up this fall is a prime opportunity at the local level to become involved in the matters that concern each and every person, no matter where they live.

Elections at both the provincial and municipal level will be held this fall, with the province going to the polls on Monday, October 26, and then municipal and school board elections will be held on Monday, Nov. 9.

The elections at the provincial level should be of interest to every person, as the policies and operations of the province impact on our lives greatly, from public health and their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, to the provincial economy, health, education, social services, highways and infrastructure and funding for municipalities, to name just a few of their responsibilities.

The most basic level of politics where people can be involved is at the local municipal level. If you have thoughts and opinions on how your city or town or RM council is run, on things they are or should be doing, then you should consider putting your name in and standing as a candidate.

If your interest is in our education system, there is an opportunity to be a candidate for trustee of either the Southeast Cornerstone public school division, or the Holy Family Catholic school division.

These boards have the responsibility of overseeing the administration of education in our schools, and educating our children, the future leaders of our communities, and our future workers, parents and business owners who will carry on after this generation has moved on.

Many people may consider politics “boring”, or “that doesn’t make any difference to me”, and they may not consider being on council as anything they would have an interest in.

The fact is, being a councillor or trustee has an impact at the most basic level. Look at the services that a town or city council has an impact on: garbage and recycling pickup, the condition and care of the streets, lights and sidewalks, funding for police and fire emergency response services, the provision of water and sewer services, and provision of recreational and culture facilities and services.

In Weyburn, the latter includes everything from the ball diamonds and soccer fields at Jubilee Park to the ice rinks at Crescent Point Place and the Tom Zandee Sports Arena, to the Weyburn Leisure Centre and the tennis-pickleball courts, just to name a few.

Do you like these services and facilities? Do you like how they’re run, or have ideas on what services or facilities the city has or should have? (Or what your town or village has?) If so, then consider stepping up and putting your name on a ballot, and make a difference where you and your family lives and works.