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Educator clarifies situation around former principal

To the Editor: Damaging speculation and innuendoes have arisen over the last several weeks in regards to Wade Oberg’s demotion as principal of the Weyburn Comprehensive School.

To the Editor:

Damaging speculation and innuendoes have arisen over the last several weeks in regards to Wade Oberg’s demotion as principal of the Weyburn Comprehensive School. Given this, I felt it important and necessary to clarify circumstances for the sake of our school and the community at large.

In order to obtain first-hand information regarding the circumstances surrounding this issue and to dispel falsehoods, misconceptions, and rumours that were circulating, I spoke with Assistant Coach Blake Johnson and asked him these four questions:

1) Did you and Mr. Oberg abandon the WCS Senior Girls Volleyball Team in Saskatoon?

“No. The girls, supported by their parents, decided it best to not travel back to Weyburn in the team van. Therefore, proper arrangements were made with parents for transportation.”

2) Was there a large on-court commotion created that day at the tournament?

“No. What I saw was a disagreement between two coaches.”

3) Was it Mr. Oberg’s decision to withdraw the team from the tournament?

“No. I urged the girls to continue with the tournament but they just felt they could not continue without their head coach so I personally withdrew the team.”

4) Are there any other comments that you would like to make?

“I am very torn to be in the midst of the disagreement between a fellow colleague that I have taught with for over 20 years, and hold in very high regard, and the head coach who I coached, mentored as a coach , and hold in high regard. I also feel I am being partially blamed by some of the public for a situation in which I felt helpless.”

In my opinion, this information raises more questions to which we, as a community, deserve answers.

• Was there any attempt at mediation by the Southeast Cornerstone Public School Division to bring together the two individuals involved, in an effort to find a resolution to this situation? If not, why not?

• Although Mr. Oberg has taken responsibility for an error in judgment by allowing his parental role to override his administrative role in this situation, was the consequence (loss of Mr. Oberg’s principalship) justified, warranted, or reasonable?

It is my hope that this can serve to dispel misconceptions, provide insight into the actual events, and lead to positive action that is reasonable in nature.

Denis Tremblay, Weyburn